Tortilla Chip: I put my hand upon your hip. When I dip you dip we dip. [Tortilla Chip is holding another tortilla chip over guacamole dip.]
Tortilla Chip: I put my hand upon your hip. When I dip you dip we dip. [Tortilla Chip is holding another tortilla chip over guacamole dip.]
Mirror: He helps me see myself clearer. Glass Cleaner: She makes me feel like I make a difference. [Both are personified and have their arms around each other.]
Grape: Ronnie? I barely recognized you! Ronnie the Raisin: I know! I feel like a new man! Got some sun, lost some weight….
Donut: I’m a plain donut. Don’t glaze me, bro!
[Right foot is inside a stiletto.] Second Toe: Mom!!!! He’s touching me! Middle Toe, pressed against Second Toe so hard it’s deforming its shape: So?! Little Toe, being overlapped by Fourth Toe: Stop smothering me! I can’t breathe! (Big Toe, aka Mom, looks upon them with a frown.)
Leonard: Did it work? Shouty: Nope! Marc: At least you smell good. [Displayed in the next frame is a men’s cologne bottle with the label, “Motivation,” shaped in the silhouette of a muscular man in the Front Double Bicep Pose.]
Index Finger: I’m the first finger, also called index or pointer. I symbolize victory, #1. They even make foam hands featuring me. I’m a very big deal. [Later: Index finger is being used to pick Shouty’s nose.]
Sandwich Bag: Hi, I’m a sandwich bag and I hold sandwiches! [ Next panel: Sandwich bag being used to pick up dog poop.]