Your Tribe Is Out There

Happy Internet Friends Day


[Shouty is at his desk entering a phrase in a search engine: “People who like|”]

Store Samples

Store Samples


Pastry Sample Guy: “Please sample our gourmet pastries, sir.” [Shouty is throwing one into his mouth as the guy speaks.] Pastry Sample Guy: “It’s supposed to be savored, not swallowed in one bite.” Shouty: “Oops…sorrry…” as his mouth is full. Shouty: “Let me try again then,” he says with a smile reaching for another. [Pastry sample guy looks annoyed and stands with arms crossed.]


My Priorities Include


Perseid Meteor Shower [Shouty is sound asleep.]; Lunar Eclipse [Shouty is sound asleep.]; Once-in-a-century Super Blue Moon [Shouty is sound asleep.]; Couple heard faintly arguing across the street [Shouty wakes up and is steathily watching from the window.]

Where’s the lie tho?

Reading an hour a day


Person on phone talking to Shouty: “Are you keeping your resolution to read an hour a day?” Shouty: “I haven’t missed a day yet! In fact, I probably need to go so I can get it in.” [Shouty sits down in front of the television and puts the subtitles on to Scandal. In the first scene we see Shouty reading, “Hi.”]


Netflix vs. Amazon FireTV


July 2017: Shouty thinks, “Too much money…pass,” as he sees a movie he wants to watch on Amazon FireTV for $19.99. October 2017: Shouty thinks, “Wanna see it but I’ll wait,” as he views the same movie for the same price. Yesterday: Shouty thinks, “Booya! Who just saved $11, son?!” as he buys the movie he’s been eyeing for a reduced price of $8.99. Today: Shouty sees the movie available for free on Netflix.

Happy Pie Day

Happy Pie Day


Doctor: I’m pleased to report your chart is normal. [Doctor is holding a pie chart, and the patient is an apple pie.]

Selfie Match

Google Arts & Culture Selfie Match


[Shouty takes a selfie, then says, “Aw man…” when looking at his phone. Google Arts & Culture app has matched his selfie with a still life painting of a pear.]

Bad Breath

Bad Breathalyzer


Leonard: What’s that you’re blowing into? Shouty: The Rank Breathalyzer. Anything over 4 is rank. Leonard: That says you blew a 6!