“Hypocrite Convention” Banner // Car parked in two spots with “Golden Rule” bumper sticker
“Hypocrite Convention” Banner // Car parked in two spots with “Golden Rule” bumper sticker
[Year: 2000] Leonard: You’re investing your inheritance into a cd/tape rack invention? Shouty: Yeah! What could possibly go wrong?
Mother Cockroach: This is an old photo of your great grandfather taken two months ago when he came to the new world in a damp laundry bag so you would have better opportunities.
Tree: This won’t be so bad, right? I could become a sculpture or origami paper, a guitar…. [Is used for toilet paper] Tree: Really?
New soap: Reporting for duty! Old soap: The things I’ve seen….
Shouty: Look at what we made! Merlington: What is it? Shouty: They’re casts of our belly buttons!
[A Fart’s Journey] Fart: P-P-P-P-P-P Fart: Weeeeeee! I made it!
Shouty: …And this is how you make mint chocolate floss.