Shouty: “Thanks again for my Xmas present! This laptop lap desk has come in handy.”
Leonard: “Burning the midnight oil, eh?”
Shouty: “Nah. It makes a great TV tray!”
Shouty: “Thanks again for my Xmas present! This laptop lap desk has come in handy.”
Leonard: “Burning the midnight oil, eh?”
Shouty: “Nah. It makes a great TV tray!”
Did you know? Spaghetti is the plural of spaghetto, which is the diminutive of spago, meaning “twine.” Illustration shows a long piece of spaghetti with mustache who is called Spago, and a short piece of spaghetti who is called “Little” Spaghetto. Together, they are spaghetti.
Shouty: “I’m going to start eating vegan on Monday.”
Leonard: “But that’s New Year’s Eve. Why not wait until the new year?”
Shouty: “Because I want to be able to say I’ve been vegan since 2018.”
Cousin: “Why do they say it’s the shortest day when the day is still 24 hours long? Why not say, ‘the shortest period of daylight'”?
Shouty: “Some folks are just lazy.”
Cousin: “Kinda like when you say, ‘muscle weighs more than fat'”?
Shouty got owned!
Shouty: “I’m boycotting Facebook and Instagram this week per NAACP.”
Leonard: “What are you going to do with all that free time?”
Shouty: “I picked up a second job.”
Leonard laughs.
“‘Tis the season to be jolly!” Shouty is dressed with Santa hat, fitted on his pear-shaped head, a green bowtie, white shirt, gray culottes, and white and red stripped socks.
FRIDAY – Shouty: “I’ll start my diet on Monday. That’ll give me the weekend to prepare.”
MONDAY – Shouty: “Tuesday is ruled by Mars, the planet of energy and strength. That’ll be a good day to start.”
TUESDAY – Shouty: “Wednesday’s 12/12. Sounds cool. Plus, 12 is a powerful number in numerology.”
Two socks are holding on to each other, one wearing a bowtie, the other wearing a veil. The one on the left says, “I, Left Sock, take thee, Right Sock, to be my wedded sock. From this day forward, from drawer to foot, in washer and in dryer, tumbled or air-dried, fresh or stinky, holey or limp, I pledge myself to you till death do us part.”